
Friday, October 28, 2011

Oathkeeping, Birther, Militia paleo-house n*ggahs.

Never trust a Pig, and there's no such thing as a ex-Pig.

That's why  organizations like OATH KEEPERS, the BIRTHERS and the various state CITIZEN MILITIAS (who all have the stink of right-wing death squad all over them) must be militantly opposed. 

They may pose as being anti-government elements but like their foreign cousins the  "ulster-loyalists" or latino step-father, the contras, trust us the only bullets they'll ever fire at humans will be at real Revolutionaries - like our Movement - if we give them the chance.

Plus they are ethically repugnant take the case of Darren Wesley Huff for example.

First know your enemy.

Who are the OATH KEEPERS?
(from one of their crap websites)

reactionary idiot-wear
"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, veterans, peace officers, and firefighters who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial.

We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not “just follow orders.”

Our motto is “Not on our watch!”

If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.
There is at this time a debate within the ranks of the military regarding their oath. Some mistakenly believe they must follow any order the President issues. But you can rest assured that many others in the military do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution, and understand what that means.

The mission of Oath Keepers is to vastly increase their numbers. We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops. To win that battle, Oath Keepers will use written and video testimony of active duty military, veterans (especially combat vets), and peace officers to reach, teach, and inspire our brothers in arms in the military and police to fulfill their oaths and stand as guardians of the Republic.

If you are currently in the military, are a veteran, or are a peace officer, please submit your written and/or video testimony on your oath, so you can help us win that battle for hearts and minds. Your submission may be anonymous.

Guardians of the Republic, fulfill your oath."

Blah, Blah.

But what exactly are they  NOT for?

"We are Not advocating or promoting the overthrow of any government whether local, state or national. We want our governments to return to the Constitutional Republic which the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution defined and instituted.

We are Not advocating or promoting violence towards any organization, group or person. We are determined to Keep our Oath to support and defend the Constitution.

We are not advocating or promoting the removal of any person from his or her elected office. We want all elected persons to live up to their Oath to “support and defend the Constitution” as it is written or to leave of their own volition.

We are not advocating or promoting that anyone in the Judicial Branch be removed or replaced. We want the Justices in the Judicial Branch to follow the Constitution as written without interpretation.

We are not advocating or promoting any particular form of government other than the Constitutional Republic which the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution defined and instituted.

We are not advocating or promoting the rewriting of the Constitution nor are we asking for an Amendment thereto. We are insisting on the Constitution being Enforced as it is written."

Well we do support the burning of the American Flag, the ripping up and throwing in the garbage the American constitution and the death penalty for the capitalist System period. 

Which as you can see puts us in very, very different camps.

Militantly opposed camps actually.

But WHO are THEY and what do they DO?

His other vechicle is likely a van with no windows, a cage in the back and a "Volksfront Supporter" bumper sticker.  Young girls, boys and boy-girls beware.

We thought we'd let these news clips about a typical Oathkeeping Birther Militia Leader speak for themselves. We just high lighted some key points on the first...  the second speaks for itself. 

Jury convicts Ga .man who talked about 'birther' plot to seize Tenn. courthouse, oust Obama

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Prosecutors described a frightening standoff at a Tennessee courthouse between law enforcement and an armed man who vowed to take it over in his quest to oust President Barack Obama. The man's attorney said he was just a "loudmouth" expressing his political opinions.
The defense didn't work for Darren Wesley Huff, who was convicted Tuesday on a federal firearms charge that could send him to prison for up to five years.
Huff, 41, was armed with a Colt .45 and an assault rifle on April 20, 2010, when he and about 15 others, some also armed, arrived in Madisonville, a small town about halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga.
About 100 law enforcement officers also were there because Huff had told an FBI agent who visited his home in Dallas, Ga., and police who stopped him for a traffic violation in Tennessee that he was prepared to help take over the Monroe County Courthouse if necessary.
"Huff said he was ready to die for his rights and what he believed in," Special Agent Mark Van Balen wrote in a pre-trial affidavit. Huff was convicted of carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with the intent to use it in a civil disorder and acquitted of another charge of using a firearm in relation to another felony.
The prosecution presented the courthouse plot as a serious and frightening.
"It was the tensest day we ever had," District Attorney Steve Bebb testified. Bebb coordinated the law officers that day as they prepared against the plot Huff had described.
"Every one of you all may think he (Huff) and his ilk are kooky as all get out," defense attorney Scott Green told jurors at the beginning of the trial last week. He said his client was a "loudmouth" but "not the scary guy they have been trying to paint."
Huff himself testified, fighting back tears as he told jurors how hurt he was that "my government has called me a potential domestic terrorist."
Jurors also heard at length from Huff thanks to a dashboard camera video taken after he was stopped and given a warning for driving too closely. In the tape, Huff chatted for an hour about religion and guns with officers, volunteering many details about what he was planning to do in Tennessee.
"I like y'all," Huff told the officers in the recording.
He said he was motivated to go to Madisonville by Walter Fitzpatrick, a Navy retiree who has had a beef against the federal government since he faced a court martial decades ago.
Fitzpatrick was facing charges in the eastern Tennessee town about halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga because he tried to use a citizen's arrest warrant to take into custody local officials who wouldn't pursue a legal case to oust Obama. Fitzpatrick's warrant called the local officials "domestic enemies" and Obama an "illegal alien, infiltrator and impostor."
Huff said in the video that he and others were ready to help carry out the citizen's arrests Fitzpatrick wanted.
"I've got my .45 because ain't no government official gonna go peacefully," Huff told the police.
Green argued that Huff had a permit to carry the guns and right to express his opinion and didn't cause a disturbance.
"I have never made a statement about taking over the courthouse, the city, the state, nothing," Huff testified. "I never said anything about taking anything over."
That was disputed by two employees of his local bank who testified that he had threatened to take over the courthouse. They alerted the FBI, which then visited Huff at his home northwest of Atlanta the day before he left for Tennessee.
The 12-member jury in the case heard a week of testimony and arguments. It reported late Monday that members were hung, but U.S. District Judge Thomas Varlan told them to try again Tuesday and the verdict came back with a conviction on one charge and acquittal on the other.
"The verdict on count one reflects exactly what the law is supposed to do, which is prevent harm before shots get fired, people hurt, or property damaged," Assistant U.S. Attorney Will Mackie told reporters after the verdict.
Defense attorney Green didn't comment after the verdict but when he spoke The Associated Press on Monday he quoted former New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay: "Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order."
Huff was taken immediately into custody and couldn't be reached for comment. His sentencing is scheduled for February.

Violent Birther Gun Nut Also Massive Fan of Tranny Porn, Dildos

Freedom fighter Darren Huff is a half-wit Georgia Militia birther goon in the news lately for being convicted of plotting a commando assault on the Monroe County courthouse in Tennessee, his mission being to punish a few lowly municipal employees for the sin of refusing to try to remove President Obama from office. He brought with him the usual violent nutjob accountrements such as an AK-47, a Colt .45 and several hundred rounds of ammunition, but according to the FBI’s “Returned Property” document detailing the items that were given back to Huff after his arrest, he also apparently needed his trusty remote-controlled pink dildo and his DVD of “Tranny Hunter” to help him fulfill his crusader mandate from Jeebus.  And yes, before you ask, Huff was also chaplain of the Georgia Militia, for extra scary self-loathing, gun-wielding, secret tranny-loving Jesus freaks-and-their-tears-of-rage bonus points.


The End for Now. But don't forget:

For the record  we at Widerstand hold the following to be true:

85% of the reactionaries are sheep who don't know, and won't know, any better.

10% are genuinely whole hearted enemies of our People (globalist agents, informants, thieves and worse) - like the scum described in this expose.

 and 5% are  the sincere but misled who may  wake up and  after hard work be fit to  join the Revolutionary struggle.

Strike one to educate one hundred!

Direct Action - NR


Sunday, October 23, 2011

FOCUS on 14 year olds: Order guru David Eden Lane

Hail the Order? Part 2

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children"
14 Words, V1 David Lane

A brief recap of what brought us to this expose:

The inability of the reactionary right to shut the f*ck up and cease spreading lies about our National Revolutionary movement.


The mail order bride of Order member Gary Yarbrough is the one you can thank, boneheads, (amongst others) for this look at your icon David Eden Lane.  Keep that in mind next time she pan handles from you.

Susan Y:  "How could  American Front's  ** say he isn't  influenced by Gary Yarbrough, David Lane or the Order?  Traitor!" 

(this was after our comrade exposed Susan as having had a long career as a law enforcement agent and reminded all of American Front's official stance on such matters.  No working with pigs, "ex"-pigs or any other system collaborators.  Ever.)
Welcome to Part 2 of Hail the Order? - where we'll  look at the (thankfully) dead reactionary guru  David Eden Lane, author of their favorite piece of nutzie numerology the 14 Words. 

And a book or two of  nazi rape / pedophile "fiction" (or is it fiction?  Maybe the bandits who love Lane so much like Jen Manear or Aryanna Lynch - or in some cases their poor children - can provide some clarity there.)

This is so well documented  we'll give you much of our expose in creep Lane's own words.
Who were Prussian Blue?

Prussian Blue were a hollywood nazi pop pre-teen duo formed in early 2003 by April Gaede the mother of Lynx Vaughan Gaede and Lamb Lennon Gaede, twin girls born on June 30, 1992, in Bakersfield, California.

Prussian Blue  were pimped out, metaphorically and possibly physically, by their nutzie mom, the pig reactionary organiztion  the National Alliance (owner of Resistance Records) and it's spawn the National Vanguard

The leader of the National Alliance at the time, William Pierce (a former member of Rockwell's creepoid American Nazi Party),  authored the  Turner Diaries Lane and the Order's "inspiration." 

Pierce's second in command and best friend of over 20 years, Kevin Strom ,  later plead guilty pleaded guilty to possession of ten images of child pornography and was sentenced to 23 months in prison.   At the time Strom led the aforementioned National Alliance splinter group, the National Vanguard, which April Gaede was a member of (along with several of the bandit AF including informant David Lynch.)  The antifa have claimed some of  the child porn were photoshopped pics with Lynx and Lamb's faces put on porn star bodies...

Frau Gaede had Prussian Blue appear alongside Strom on stage and endorse him as a  credible revolutionary leader not long before his arrest.

Before, during and after all this Frau Gaede encouraged a "special friendship" between her daughters and creeper 14 David Lane.

Warned you this stuff gives nightmares.

FOCUS on 14 year olds:  David Eden Lane and Prussian Blue

“Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.”
14 Words, V2 David Lane

“Truth does not fear investigation.”
88 Precept, #12 David Lane

""It is an act. I was speaking of those White girls exposing their goodies to Skraelings (non-whites).  The conversation still left Eric unsure of Trebor's intentions. In the past, his comrade had been absolutely ruthless in exterminating White male race traitors, but he had been
forgiving of wayward White women unless their treason was exceptionally blatant.
Trebor often said that defense of the race was men's responsibility. Wayward women should be captured, taken to Kinsland, re-educated and impregnated. Indeed, such was now standard procedure for KD (kinsland defenders)" 
--KD Rebel, David  Lane

"Trebor pretended to ponder for interminable moments, then opined, "I reckon those two could make some fine babies for me."

"Alright!' Eric enthused. 'It's about time you did your reproductive duty.' Eric had no interest in the pair for himself, as his heart was set on a high school girl that Trebor had agreed to help him capture. KD informants had picked her as a likely candidate. She was a pretty girl, unfortunately bewitched by universalist poison. Her teachers, parents, the media and every influence in her life had taught her that it was okay, even preferable for White girls to date and mate with Skraelings. She would have to be saved from her own folly before it was too late." 
--  KD Rebel, David Lane.

Ok there's about 80 more pages of this nazi rape fantasy in KD Rebel, Lane's last book.  Look yourself  if you don't believe us.

April Gaede was a loving and caring enough nazi-mom (sound familiar Jen?) to put her twins in close contact with Lane since they were 10 years old.

Was this a business transaction, a act of insanity or something even worse?

We can only guess.

This loving reactionary extended family was immortalized in a film documentary "Nazi Pop Twins".

Here's what a anti-defamation site said about this...

"Nazi Pop Twins," made by James Quinn for Channel 4 in England, contains several profoundly creepy scenes. Chief among them is a speakerphone conversation set up by April Gaede between her daughters and white supremacist terrorist David Lane who was in prison serving a 190-year sentence for his part in the 1984 machine-gun murder of a Jewish radio talk show host in Denver. (Lane died in prison this May, shortly after filming was completed.)"When the girls were little they were like daughters or something," says Lane, 69, who later in the conversation calls twins Lynx and Lamb — they were 14 at the time — his "fantasy sweethearts." "Now that they are grown women, and being a natural male, it's… well, you know what I'm trying to say."

What the f*ck reactionaries - this is the guy we're supposed to be "influenced by" or we are "traitors"?

A video clip.

Note the astonished Black guy asks "What's wrong with these people?"

Widerstand's answer: EVERYTHING is wrong with them.  Everything.

After Lane switched cells from prison to hell (if a afterlife exists that is) guess what the reactionaries did ?


From the nutzie stormfront forum…


David Lane Memorial
I have been contacted by the prison and will be working with the gals from WAU to take care of David's estate. We are right now getting the arraingements made to have David cremated which will be about $1400 and then we are discussing plans to divide the ashes up into 14 pyramids and have them distributed to 14 White Nationalist women for safekeeping. I have found a company that makes these and they will cost about $100 each since we are buying a large quanity. Total cost then that I need to come up with is $2800 ( not counting Julies travel expenses.) . I will be paying for this out of pocket until we get some of the funds made available. Also, Julie from WAU would like to travel here to be with me when the body arrives and we view it. Any help to fly her here would be greatly appreciated. Anyone who would like to help with these costs can send funds to

April Gaede
po box ****
Kalispell Montana 59903 ( please write on the memo that it is to be used for David Lane)

Any extra money left over after these costs have been paid will go to getting a book of his articles printed. There are several ladies who are working on this project and they were working closely with David on this before his death.

I talked to David about his final wishes and he said that he would like to see a pyramid monument with his ashes in a capstone. Since we are not in a situation now to build a monument in a safe White homeland I feel the next best thing is to divide his ashes amongst these 14 pyramids and then hopefuly sometime in the future we can put them together in the pyramid when we have secured a homeland.

The friends in David's life will be working together to make sure that we make decisions that would make David happy and which will be agreeable to all.

I have spoken to Tom Metzger who was in contact with David recently and he also will be collecting funds for this project if you wish to donate via Tom.

If you have any questions please PM me. Obviously this is a hard time and alot of decisions need to be make in a timely manner. I hope everyone will bear with me while I try to sort stuff out and make good decisions.

I personally promise that the way this is dealt with will make everyone proud to be part of the legacy of the 14 words.

April Gaede

 Reminds you of anything?  Like the Order snitch scam we described in the first part of Hail the Order?  maybe?
And who, once again, proved their program is worth about as much as their goofball membership?

Right again!

Volksfront, inc.
Once again from the SF forum:


Re: David Lane Memorial Fund

Volksfront has donated $1000 and we have a ****** account set up through WAU if anyone would like to donate that way. You can PM me, or e-mail me at vfstlouis28@yah**.com
to find out the account name. April may have one set up also. As i said, this account goes straight to the WAU gals and in turn goes into the David Lane fund.

Sleep Well David.


But doesn't VF believe, to quote from their zio-nutzie website:

"We believe the existing prison system is inherantly flawed, inhumane and unable to rehabilitate. We support expansion of capital punishment crimes to include all sex offenses, all crimes against the elderly and children..."

It's clear that to VF - like the rest of the reactionaries - being a open sex perv / wanna be child predator is ok. 

As long as some idiot bonehead bands wrote some songs about you and you scribbled a few goofy slogans. 

And VF can make some $$$ off your life and death.

The End for Now. But don't forget:

For the record  we at Widerstand hold the following to be true:

85% of the reactionaries are sheep who don't know, and won't know, any better.

10% are genuinely whole hearted enemies of our People (globalist agents, informants, thieves and worse) - like the scum described in this expose.

 and 5% are  the sincere but misled who may  wake up and  after hard work be fit to  join the Revolutionary struggle.

Strike one to educate one hundred!

Direct Action - NR

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The (not so) Silent Brotherhood

Hail the Order?  Part 1
(bandits, informants and blood and honour)

by Direct Action - NR

The reactionaries should be careful about the questions they ask in public of our National Revolutionary movement.

We may, like now,  end up answering them in public. Leaving reaction with some interesting questions we doubt they can even begin to answer congruently (sorry for the big words boneheads).

Which brings us to the mail order bride of Gary Yarbrough.

For months, when not attempting to promote the bandits who had tried to steal American Front’s name or panhandle for change for her lost cause legal defense fund this pig  has been shreaking about this clear statement made by  one of our Vanguard...

"Our Movement is not  influenced  at all by the Order or David Lane."

She has described this statement as “treason."

How could our Movement say a thing like this about the reactionaries greatest heroes?

Pretty easily.

The fact is that the majority of the Order did in fact cooperate with the pigs after their arrests. Most who were offered deals took them, and they and others took the stand at the Ft Smith Sedition trial after their arrests.

Take  Richard Kemp as a  example. 

The mail order bride, the bandit fake AF and their zio-nazi allies in Volksfront launched a fundraising campaign to “bury with honor” this Order “P.O.W.”  

This scam was conducted under the banner of “Blood and Honour America"' Bandits David Lynch and Jen Manear, along with Volksfront’s Mike Lawrence and the mail order bride were the shysters running this hustle to be exact. 

All the time knowing Kemp had sang to the pigs without any shame from the second he had hand cuffs on his wrists.

Here’s the nutzi-televangelist  style mass mailings the shysters sent out to the easily duped “WN” movement….  be warned it's enough to make a Revolutionary vomit.

Bruce Pierce Memorial Fund

"RIP Bruce Pierce! You were a great White man, a True Christian, & loyal til Death! 2 Cor. 5:7-9. The Blood and Honour American Division is organizing a voluntary effort by White Nationalists and patriots of our folk around the world to help The Order martyr Bruce Pierce’s family with the expenses surrounding his funeral. Certainly it's not the size or the amount that matters, as much as each of us giving a small gesture of respect and honor to express to the family he left behind our appreciation for their father, and our hero, Bruce Pierce, who died in ZOG's custody on Monday, August 16th, 2010. We realize that many of us are struggling paycheck to paycheck under Obama's economy, but there are many different levels so that everyone can get involved. There is the Gold level in case you've had a fortunate year for $100, the Silver drops down to $50, and the Bronze is just $35. Of course we understand that sometimes the heart is bigger than the pocketbook, and it isn't going to be a few people giving a large amount, but a whole lot of us giving a little that will allow the Pierce family to bring their daddy away from the dungeon where he died and give him the viking funeral they desire. That's why some people might choose to give the "Patriot" level for $25 dollars, the number of years Bruce Pierce was locked up in a ZOG dungeon for our race, while others might prefer to give the "Silent Brotherhood" level for $13, for the number of holes Alan Berg grew in 1984. Truly, anything would be a blessing. With the sacrifices of The Order on behalf of our folk in mind, have you had the kind of year where that Gold or Silver level might be available for Bruce Pierce's family, or would something like that Patriot level just be better for you, this time? Either way, you can make your donation using paypal to xxxxx”

This “fund-raising” was occurring while some of us were involved in a entryist drive within the bandit AF's sad structure and the rest of our Cadres re-organizing outside of it . 

With our priority  being reestablishing American Front while disrupting the bandits,  all our Vanguard could do was shake our heads in disgust at these hogs and take notes.

What was so vile  about these thieves raising money from the dumb to bury their  “hero”?

Take a look. 

Order Tries To Turn Court Loss To Prison Victory
Chicago Tribune
January 5, 1986

“…In turn, Gene Wilson, the assistant U.S. Attorney who had led the prosecution, emphasized that despite the courtroom victory, FBI agents continue their investigation into whether the nation`s neo-Nazi underground received a major cash infusion from The Order`s crime spree.
FBI investigative documents reviewed by The Tribune indicate agents are following leads from interviews with Bruce Carroll Pierce, one of the defendants. Pierce said that some of the more than $4 million taken in The Order`s robberies went to Butler and Metzger, as well as other far-right leaders around the country.
Pierce also told the agents during 15 hours of grilling after his arrest in April, 1985, that some of the loot had gone to finance a ``new Order`` made up of two-man ``cells`` with plans for more mayhem.”

There’s plenty more news reports where this came from too.

For the record  we at Widerstand hold the following to be true:

85% of the reactionaries are sheep who don't know, and won't know, any better.

10% are genuinely whole hearted enemies of our People (globalist agents, informants, thieves and worse) - like the scum described in this expose.

 and 5% are  the sincere but misled who may  wake up and  after hard work be fit to  join the Revolutionary struggle.

Strike one to educate one hundred!

Direct Action - NR

A final quote for the mail order bride and the bandit web sloth.  Enjoy Pigs.

“I am not a Christ or a philanthropist, old lady, I am the opposite of a Christ.... I fight for the things I believe in, with all the weapons at my disposal.  I try to leave the enemy destroyed so that I don't get nailed to any crosses.” -  Che Guevara