A Look at Zionist Manipulation of Bonehead Gangs
We've always described Zionism as the child of nazi-ism both in theory and practice. Who'd have thought we'd see in our lifetime the zionists and nazis close ranks and form a united front (well sort of united front) - and the nazis who accepted the position as zionist lapdog footsoldiers to be largely made up of drooling skinheads and ex-skinheads? As much disdain as we hold for the bonehead reactionary skinhead we even gave them more credit than they deserve and never thought we'd see them bend over and grab their ankles for zionists the way they have.
Like all things Bonehead it Started in England
from the wideshut.uk blog...
EDL Officially Announce Ties To Zionist State of Israel
Although many people have had their suspicions that the English Defence League are in cahoots with the Zionist state of Israel (both being vehemently anti-Muslim), a recent statement by EDL chief Tommy Robinson leaves no doubt as to the organisation’s stance.
In the context of being accused as Nazis, Robinson writes:
“The English Defence League was formed two years ago. One of the fundamental beliefs that this movement was built on was its support for Israel’s right to defend itself. In our first demonstrations, we went to Birmingham, and we flew the flag of Israel, the Star of David. In the first public speech I ever gave, I wore the Star of David in Leeds. The reason for this is because Israel is a shining star of democracy. If Israel falls, we all fall. This is what our movement has been built on for two years.”
“The English Defence League will not be deterred from its support for Israel and the Jewish people” he continues. “Recently, in the EDL there have been internal arguments, which are nothing more than that. Every large family has its disagreements, but when push comes to shove, we all stand on the same side.”
“We reject all anti-Semitism. The EDL stands where it always has stood, which is side-by-side with Israel. We repudiate any individual, group or writing that favors anti-Semitism, neofascism, and any race-based ideology. Any rogue elements within the EDL who go against our mission statement and our beliefs will be removed from the organization; we are determined to remain true to our mission. Anti-Semitism will not ever be tolerated within the EDL.”
“The EDL stands for freedom. It always has, it always will. We want the Jewish people and all free people to remain free forever, and we all stand together in this fight against Islamic jihad.”
It is now clear that the EDL are a tool of the Anglo-American-Israeli establishment, in their quest for full spectrum dominance of the Middle-East.
Of course it is unfair to tar everybody in the organisation with the same brush, they are likely an eclectic group. Some no doubt are just football hooligans and racists, others might be working class who see the rise of Muslim immigration as an infringement on their opportunities, but what the majority of EDL members do share is a hatred for extreme Islam and Muslim terrorists. EDL gatherings will often include chants about the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
It suits the establishment to promote a world view where the terrorists are out to get us and are taking over Europe, because it supports their illegal wars of aggression overseas. And it’s not just an EDL problem. The majority of the British public have also been duped by the war on terror, it’s just the EDL decided to take action. In a certain context that might even be honorable.
However the reality of the war on terror is very different from what the average citizen or EDL member believes. At the very least the 9/11 attacks had some kind of US and Israeli involvement (see the 5 dancing Israelis). It most certainly had nothing to do with Bin Laden. And for the 7/7 bombings to take place with so much prior knowledge and with so many intelligence assets on the periphery, one can only deduce that they were allowed if not encouraged to happen.
I wonder if the EDL are familiar with fake Al Qaeda leader Adam Gadahn, the grandson of a former Anti-Defamation League director? Or that Omar Bakri the Godfather of extremist Islam in Britain was allowed to operate with impunity and worked with the Government when NATO was bombing the Balkans?
This brings us to the grand irony of it all. The charade of the war on terror is as much a war on England as it is on Afghanistan or Iraq or any other country we’ve invaded. Allowing young soldiers to die while taking over countries, so the corporate cartels can expand their empire, gives further control and power to those at the top and worsens the living conditions of those at the bottom, those in the EDL. How is supporting the expansion of a globalised world order, defending the English and the sovereignty of this country?
If the EDL were fighting for our freedom, they would be fighting to remove naked body scanners from airports, to repeal draconian anti-terror laws, to take down the hordes of CCTV and to remove the bankers that helped plunge the economy.
Furthermore how is supporting a nation that continually breaks international law, houses a devastating arsenal of nuclear weapons, and that represses an entire society of people, a quest for freedom and democracy?
Not only does the Israel Lobby exert influence over the mainstream parties, with groups like the Labour Friends of Israel, Conservative Friends of Israel, Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, and The Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), but ironically our nationalist thugs are now also officially tied to Israel. Some nationalists they are!
Perhaps the EDL are fascist after all. Not fascist in the sense of nationalism, but fascist in the sense of globalism.
From anti-zionist to zionist's b*tch Volskfront Inc.
When it comes to the (primarily) North American reactionaries it's always fun to let their own words convict them of being hypocrites, liars and idiots.
The grand-master of all three of these catagories is the gang VOLKSFRONT, inc.
Volksfont, inc. have the dubious "honour" of being the first of the nazi skinhead gangs to jump ship and try to sign up with the zionists. It's hard to believe but these guys were actually a bit progressive in the first half of the 2000s (at least on paper.) Maybe letting oft bragged about "millionaire" Welf Herfurth start a VF, inc chapter in Australia drove them into the lap of Israel we don't know (but wait didn't he join VF to make them MORE politcally progressive? Wasn't Qu'ran burning reactionary Andrew "BANA" Yeoman also a Welf disciple too? Makes you wonder who's secretly eating the hitler cake on April 20th doesn't it? Welf has avoided all dialogue with national revolutionaries on these issues for a long time now. While trying to sell us his book. Thank James and Troy we don't take a closer PUBLIC look at you, "comrade".)
Back to VF. Here's what VF's Position was on Zionism and the state of Israel up until late 2010ish - your guess is as good as ours if they secretly circulated their love of the zionists privately since for a while they avoided the issue.
We used archive.org and grabbed this off their 2005 website.
Volksfront on Zionism and Israel (until 2010)
"Volksfront views Israel as a criminal racist state which is conducting systematic genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people. Zionism influences most major governments and international organizations. Zionism is the belief that the Jews are god's "chosen" people and that Jews must dominate world culture, economics, media, government and religion. Zionism is the international support system which props up the criminal and racist government of Israel. We demand freedom and a return of Israel and all areas occupied by Jewish forces to the Palestinian people. Volksfront supports all Palestinian freedom organizations. The influence of Zionist groups in North American government is dominating our way of life. Zionists back current legislature banning certain firearms, promoting abortion (although Jews are against abortion for their own people), the increase in governmental police power to stop pro-White and pro-freedom orgaizations. They welcome foreign immigration which they feel will suppress our people's ability to oppose them. Zionism also promotes the myth of six million Jews being killed in the mythical holocaust. Pre-war census figures of Europe put the number of Jews in Occupied Europe at under 5 million. After the war over 1.5 million Jews emmigrated to Israel from Europe, approximately 1 million emmigrated to the United States, near 2 million remained in Europe. Holocaust reparations are Israels number one source of funding. The holocaust has been extremely profitable for the Israeli state. Israel officially lowered it's death count of the holocaust to 1.6 million yet U.S. Zionists still promote the six million myth. The holocaust is a genius propaganda operation which has funneled trillions of dollars to the Israeli government. Volksfront does not hate the individual Jew, we oppose international Zionism and Israel."
VF, inc also mention zionists here a few paragraphs down in the same "Volksfront ideals and beliefs" quoted above. We've highlighted the attacks on zionists for those reactionaries who may be interested in this and not have beyond a 5th grader's reading ability:
Volksfront on Labor and the White Working Class
"The White working class is the social and economic backbone of the world economy. Through taxation, immigration, media propaganda, and governemntal oppression the White working class is being destroyed and replaced with immigrant slave labor and third world slave factories. The White working class represents the only viable threat to the Zionist monopoly of government, economics, media, culture and new world order of the United Nations. Some White males in this country are taxed over 50% of their gross wage to support government infringement of their freedoms, social programs for immigrants and the dead weight of society. Very often our tax dollars are used to train immigrants to take our jobs from us at a far lower wage with worse working conditions. With the White working class gone their will be no resistance to a One World Zionist Police State."
Compare that to VF, inc. stance now:
off the new VF, inc. crap website again...
On Zionism...
"Zionism is a Jewish Folkish/Nationalist belief system. Unfortunately, Zionists villify and persecute Whites who try and employ a similar belief system. Zionism, as it exists today, has led to many of the global religious conflicts and territorial injustices we see in the Middle-East. We believe the Zionist Lobby has a disproportionate amount of power in global politics and their influence should be completely removed from political policy making outside of Israel."
On Islam...
While not all Muslims are terrorists, we feel their religion and culture is completely incompatible with Western civilization. We beleive all Muslims must be repatriated to their nations of origin.
Ok we are all in agreement people have the right to change their views. This is clearly a change for the far worse though isn't it?
DIRECT ACTION-NR stands against this.
All true North American National Revolutionaries stand with us.
We raise the call for revolutionary solidarity fight globalism! - fight zionism! - fight it's lap dogs - SMASH EDL - SMASH VOLKSFRONT!
2009 Volksfront party note the seig-heil.
In the suit: Mikey L who is one of the authors of the new VF program.
On one knee to his zionist masters is Bill W "former" law-enforcement
agent and accused animal-sacrifice weirdo.
once again from VF's website. This time their FAQ:
Is Volksfront a skinhead or neo-Nazi gang?
Volksfront is not a gang. We are an international fraternal brotherhood of White men.
culture, values, class and other interests that unite us to a far greater degree than We share other associations in society at large.
This photo was sent out by VF's leaders to show why they were
on Gangland after intial criticism emerged.
Liars again.
"I'll fight on!"
Fusako Shigenobu
日本赤軍, Japanese Red Army